501 (c)(3) non-profit with a mission to

Make Holistic Health Accessible to All

What is the “My 1 Body 1 Life” philosophy?

You have 1 body, to last you your 1 life. Why not make the most of both?!

Being mindful of this simple fact “you have 1 body, to last you your 1 life”, we aim to make holistic health intelligible, accessible, and achievable for all. We believe taking a holistic approach to wellness is the most sustainable way to not only live, but love living, a healthy lifestyle. If you enjoy the process, you will keep at it!

Our philosophy: while nourishing and taking care of your body is integral to longevity, it is equally important to enjoy the little things in life which may not always pass a “health screen” with flying colors. What does this mean?

It likely means something different to each of us- for some, an ice cream cone, others, a cocktail, and to others, it means forgoing exercise on vacation. Having the freedom and flexibility to balance “life” and your “body” is the one fundamental key to long-term success.

“My 1 Body 1 Life” means you can be healthy, and eat your cake, too! ;)

What We Do


Educate & Empower

Knowledge is power! We provide free educational content- both online and in person, as resources for you to develop on your health journey. We are different than many fitness and nutrition sources in that instead of just telling you to “do this exercise” and “eat this food” our focus is to shed light on the interconnectedness between mental and physical health, and empower you to take control of your life. Changing motivation and building lifelong habits are the key to long-term success.

Our content ranges from neuroscience research and psychology findings; tutorials in yoga to strength training; help on meditation and mindfulness, to inspiring stories and testimonials. We hope it helps you!


Build Community

Community is integral to a sense of security and happiness. Having the support of a community with like-minded individuals in your health journey not only inspires, but gives you motivation to keep going! The My1Body1Life community is made up of everyday, real life people both in and out of the health sector. You are welcome into our community, whether you wish to join discussion groups, private online forums, or attending our events- you will surely make friends with those equally committed to their health and happiness!


Events & Classes

We are a social species. Learning, growing, and even working out, together, is more fun! Face-to-face interaction and group settings hold a very special place in our organization.

From seminars, group study, workouts, to wellness retreats- we strive to provide unique events for our members. Come with your friends & family, or come solo and meet like-minded individuals.


Give Back

We sponsor events and fundraise for other non-profits and charitable causes with similar missions because “no one has ever become poor by giving”!

We also want to give our members and community a platform to better themselves while giving back to a good cause.

We are currently fundraising for BEAM.

We appreciate your support.
